This is a Muslim’s (Sunni) perspective on 3 major sects in Islam present today (i.e. At times the narrators in hadith references shall be removed where necessary, in order to make the book less lengthy. Arabic quotations shall be made where needed so that people who want to verify references from original sources can easily do so.

Difficult Islamic terminologies like for example “al-Jarh wa’t Ta’deel” shall be defined in brackets. As a result, the book is written in simple English so that the audience can easily understand the content. It is also for western readers and those with English as a Second language. 701Īuthor’s Note The Dispute is written for general public, which includes people who specialize in Islamic studies and those who do not. 8 (Merits of Imam al-Hasan and Hussain and latter’s martyrdom by tyrant/fasiq/drunkard/cursed Yazid and his partners). 538 Hadiths in praise of Ameer Mu’awiya (ra). 534 Hadiths which depict Mu’awiya (ra) in bad light. 7 (Battles fought against Sayyiduna Ali and he being always on Haqq i.e. 521 Chapter No.6 (On Merits of mother of all believers Sayyidah Aisha). 5 (Who was the first person to accept Islam?). 4 (Hadith of Qirtas and did Sayyiduna Umar refuse to write Wasiya of Prophet in regards to Sayyiduna Ali?). 3 (Did Umar burn down house of Sayyidah Fatima, also break the door which fell on her and it later caused her death along with a child in her womb?). 460 Differences in Political aspects of Islam. 10 (Knowledge of Unseen given to Prophets). 9 (Building Shrines on graves of Prophets and Saints). Missing link between one narrator to the next) is hujah (Proof). hearing of the dead, and life of Prophets). 7 (Sama al-Mawta and Hayat al Anbiya i.e. 5 (Face, hands, eyes, and laughter of Allah). 2 (What is Istawa alal Arsh, and is Allah in upward direction?). 134 Differences in Aqeeda (beliefs) of Sunni, Shia, and Salafi. 122 Chapter 14: Khums as part of Zakaat?. 93 Chapter No.9 (Prostrating on earth or Turba?). 8 (Can we pray Witr like Maghrib, and also how many Rakahs i.e. 7 (Reciting Bismillah aloud before al-Fatiha?). (Saying Qunoot in every obligatory prayer?). 3 (Where to tie the hands in prayer or leaving them free?). (Raising hands in start of prayer or every time one says Takbir?). 1 (Reciting first chapter of Qur’an behind the Imam or not?). 7 Jurisprudential (fiqhi) differences between Sunni, Salafi, and Shia ideologies.

The Dispute Reconciliation between Shia, Sunni, and Salafi.